GET READY FOR THE 3RD ANNUAL FIGHT ROOM REUNION! Check dates/times on the homepage.
The guidelines are not the rules. Your actions are your responsibility. You should familiarize yourself with the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy,
which detail legal obligations. The guidelines are just that: guidelines. They are meant to give you a brief overview of expectations while using the platform.
You should create an account that has nothing to do with your "real life" identity. Be a villain. Be a hero. Do not be yourself.
You should use a unique email/password combination that is specific to Fucit and completely separate from other accounts like social media, banking, etc.
Bonds are made. Relationships are formed. Some friendships are forever. However, certain people can and will potentially use this against you.
Be aware and limit who you share personal information with.
Similarily, you are not here to dox, exploit, expose or create situations that could potentially cause harm to an individual in real life.
Intent matters.
Discourse can open your mind, make you question, or solidify your understandings of morals, ehtics, and ideals.
A respectable person has lines they won't cross, but these lines can get blurred, especially in the heat of an emotional moment.
The end goal is to give you the ability to govern your own content.
If you do not like the rhetoric, topic, or content being discussed, you have options: Mute, Ignore, Block. Leave. Use them. Take breaks when needed.
Although Fucit is a private website which requires registration, be mindful that your content can be recorded, clipped, or screenshot by others
and shared outside of the platform. Fucit may sometimes share its own content for marketing, advertising, or promotional purposes.
Fucit does not track you. Fucit does not target ads to you. Fucit does not use algorithms to serve you content it "thinks" you would like.
It's old school. The way it should be. Fucit does collect information on the number of times a certain section or piece of content on the website gets viewed, replied, or interacted with
(for example, if you "like" something). It may associate your username with these actions.
Fucit also has access to the same information the general internet has access to: Your IP address, browser type, device type, operating system, etc.
While this information isn't permanently stored, it can be useful temporarily to assist in troubleshooting, with security related incidents, or other potential issues.
Fucit embraces traditional hacker ethic and encourages tinkering. If you find a bug or exploit in the site and talk about it, cool. Let us know.
Credit will be given where credit is due. However, if you find a bug or exploit and actively deny another person their quality of service, thats not cool.
Fucit is very much a work in progress. There will be glitches, bugs, and issues out of our control. It is not a social media conglomerate with access to
deep pockets and limitless funding. It is also not "the cloud". Downtime will be taken when downtime is needed. Although we try, we don't strive for 99.99999% uptime.
Fucit reserves the right to change/update any of these guidelines, policies, terms, etc. You should check them regularly.
You will have to agree to the Terms of Serivce and Privacy Policy again any time there is a major update (i.e. not spelling, grammar, or clause edited for clarity).
If you do not agree, you are not allowed to use this platform.
Fucit is very much freedom of speech & expression, but it follows the law where it is applicable and will comply with the appropriate legal or regulatory entities
within it's jurisdiction.
Above all, please remember that this is supposed to be entirely ficticious and creative in nature for the sake of entertainment and enjoyment.
The internet used to be a place we could escape to and not need retreat from. Enjoy your time.